July 26, 2006

Python Curses Life

More than a decade ago I wrote a bunch of screensavers for Mac, NeXT, and Windows - they were some of the first GUI programs I wrote.

My favorite screensaver was a "Conway's game of Life" simulation. You can read about the Game of Life on Mathworld or Wikipedia. Back in 1994, computers didn't have much memory, and simulating the game quickly was a challenge. I thought I had a pretty clever algorithm running an infinite board fast.

So when this article by Tomas Rokicki on Dr. Dobbs appeared on Reddit last weekend with the enticing title An Algorithm for Compressing Space and Time - and when the article turned out to describe a very very clever way to compute the Game of Life quickly - I couldn't resist. I had to implement it...

Not graphical

I will post some code below, but first some disclaimers. It is not a slick and whizzy graphical tool. This is just a command-line script for all those moments when you just have to play out a Life pattern and you can't be bothered to leave your console window. It actually lets you draw the life board (using the curses library) with little asteriks inside your vt100 emulator. It's nice because you can play with Life without installing some big software package - and you can change the code yourself without recompiling.

If you want a pretty, graphical Game of Life, you can find some elsewhere. You can still download my old Windows Life screensaver here on winsite - yes, that 1996 screensaver still works; it's still pretty, and it's speedy enough, and it has with keyboard features so you can enter your own patterns. Or if you have a running NeXT machine (!!) you can get the NeXT version here.

Or zoom over to Golly, Tomas Rokicki and Andrew Trevorrow's superfast, graphical, full-featured (and open-source) implementation of the hashlife algorithm. Golly is really quite amazing - if you have played with Life before, you will enjoy, for the first time, being able to zoom out to 2^20:1 (that is, trillions of cells represented by a single pixel) and then watching clever patterns explode over billions of generations.

But why bother coding it in C? I figure, the beauty of the hashlife algorithm is that it's structurally fast, in dramatic O(n) terms. If the algorithm solves exponential-sized problems in constant time, what do we care about a language that runs 10 times faster or slower? Let's do it in python!

My python version

Below is my python implementation of Bill Gosper's hashlife algorithm, as described by Tomas Rokicki. I recommend you read Tomas' article if you want an in-depth explanation of the magic.

The basic idea is this:

  • Organize the life board in a quadtree, where each block is subdivided into nw-ne-sw-se subblocks, down to the units.
  • Make each block immutable, and canonicalize all the blocks.
  • Recursively implement a method "nextCenter" that computes a halfsize quadtree block centered at the old block, advanced by a number of steps
  • Memoize nextCenter results, to minimize work.

It turns out that canonicalization results in incredible space compression, and memoization results in incredible time compression, so that after patterns play out for enough generations, you can easily compute doubling-sized and doubling-generation boards with only a constant amount of work. It's a rare example of an exponentially fast algorithm.

In the program below, I've attached this algorithm to a trivial curses interface where you can use the keyboard to draw, step, and scroll around the infinite board.

I have only tested it on my Powerbook, but it is a pretty generic python program and so should work anywhere python is spoken. Let me know if it works for you.


The python script should run in any console. Just save and run.

The following keys do things:

  • arrows, or hjkl - move the cursor around the board
  • period (.) - toggle the cell under the cursor
  • space - step one generation
  • s - exponential step: double the generation number
  • f - find a cell (if you're lost in space)
  • r - redraw the screen
  • c - do a garbage collection of the cache
  • C - (capital C) clear the screen
  • q - quits

The amazing thing about the algorithm is that it can exponentially grow your board in constant time (once complexity is low enough). It's fun to draw an r-pentomino and step it to billions of generations - all in python.

My first version of pylife.py used to stop at around 232 generations because I was worried about integer overflow, until Andrew Trevorrow kindly emailed me to point out that there is no need to worry since python implements arbitrary-width integer support. The algorithm effortlessly reaches those sorts of huge numbers after you press "s" a few times, which I find pretty amusing. It's not as amazing as Golly, but, heck, it's not bad for a little piece of python script!

Some code!

Okay. Here's the code (download link). As usual, less than half the code is the cleverness; the rest is UI.

But still, it's small enough to be a reasonable single-file program.

import curses
def lifeScore(center, surround):
  "Conway's game of life rules: birth on 3, survival on 2 or 3"
  if surround == 3 or (surround == 2 and center == 1): return 1
  return 0
def mapid(tup):
  "Every node gets an integer id; we use tuples of ids to index nodes."
  return map(lambda x: x.id, tup)
class LifeNode:
  "A 2^level-square life node"
  def __init__(self, board, id, children):
    "Pass a board, id, and four children.  Id 0 and 1 have no children."
    if id <= 1:
      self.level = 0
      self.count = id
      nw, ne, sw, se = children
      self.level = nw.level + 1
      self.count = nw.count + ne.count + sw.count + se.count
    self.id = id
    self.children = children
    self.board = board
    self.cache = {}
  def get(self, x, y):
    "Returns the value of the cell at x, y"
    if self.level == 0: return self.count
    half = self.width() / 2
    child = self.children[x / half + y / half * 2]
    return child.get(x % half, y % half)
  def getList(self, result, x, y, rect):
    "Returns the coordinates of all the filled cells in the given rect"
    if self.count == 0: return
    if rect:
      minx, miny, maxx, maxy = rect
      if (x >= maxx or x + self.width() <= minx
          or y >= maxy or y + self.width() <= miny): return
    if self.level == 0:
      result.append((x, y))
      half = self.width() / 2
      nw, ne, sw, se = self.children
      nw.getList(result, x, y, rect)
      ne.getList(result, x + half, y, rect)
      sw.getList(result, x, y + half, rect)
      se.getList(result, x + half, y + half, rect)
  def set(self, x, y, value):
    "Returns a near-copy of the node with the value at x, y modified"
    if self.level == 0:
      return self.board.single[value]
    half = self.width() / 2
    index = x / half + y / half * 2
    children = list(self.children)
    children[index] = children[index].set(x % half, y % half, value)
    return self.board.getnode(*children)
  def nextCenter(self, steps):
    "Returns a level-1 node advanced the given number of generations."
    if steps == 0:
      return self.center()
    if self.cache.has_key(steps): return self.cache[steps]
    nw, ne, sw, se = self.children
    if self.level == 2:
      aa, ab, ba, bb = mapid(nw.children)
      ac, ad, bc, bd = mapid(ne.children)
      ca, cb, da, db = mapid(sw.children)
      cc, cd, dc, dd = mapid(se.children)
      nwscore = lifeScore(bb, aa + ab + ac + ba + bc + ca + cb + cc)
      nescore = lifeScore(bc, ab + ac + ad + bb + bd + cb + cc + cd)
      swscore = lifeScore(cb, ba + bb + bc + ca + cc + da + db + dc)
      sescore = lifeScore(cc, bb + bc + bd + cb + cd + db + dc + dd)
      result = self.board.memo[(nwscore, nescore, swscore, sescore)]
      halfsteps = self.gensteps() / 2
      if steps <= halfsteps: step1 = 0
      else: step1 = halfsteps
      step2 = steps - step1
      nw, ne, sw, se = self.children
      n00, n01, n02, n10, n11, n12, n20, n21, n22 = map(
        lambda x: self.subquad(x).nextCenter(step1), range(9))
      result = self.board.getnode(
        self.board.getnode(n00, n01, n10, n11).nextCenter(step2),
        self.board.getnode(n01, n02, n11, n12).nextCenter(step2),
        self.board.getnode(n10, n11, n20, n21).nextCenter(step2),
        self.board.getnode(n11, n12, n21, n22).nextCenter(step2))
    self.cache[steps] = result
    return result
  def center(self):
    if self.cache.has_key(0): return self.cache[0]
    nw, ne, sw, se = self.children
    result = self.board.getnode(nw.children[3], ne.children[2],
                                sw.children[1], se.children[0])
    self.cache[0] = result;
    return result
  def subquad(self, i):
    nw, ne, sw, se = self.children
    if i == 0: return nw
    if i == 1: return self.board.getnode(nw.children[1], ne.children[0],
                                         nw.children[3], ne.children[2])
    if i == 2: return ne
    if i == 3: return self.board.getnode(nw.children[2], nw.children[3],
                                         sw.children[0], sw.children[1])
    if i == 4: return self.center()
    if i == 5: return self.board.getnode(ne.children[2], ne.children[3],
                                         se.children[0], se.children[1])
    if i == 6: return sw
    if i == 7: return self.board.getnode(sw.children[1], se.children[0],
                                         sw.children[3], se.children[2])
    if i == 8: return se
  def width(self):
    return 1 << self.level
  def gensteps(self):
    return 1 << (self.level - 2)
class LifeBoard:
  def __init__(self):
    self.originx = 0
    self.originy = 0
    E = LifeNode(self, 0, None); X = LifeNode(self, 1, None)
    self.single = (E, X)
    self.memo = {}
    for i in range(16):
      tup = (i & 1, (i & 2) / 2, (i & 4) / 4, (i & 8) / 8)
      objtup = map(lambda x: self.single[x], tup)
      self.memo[tup] = LifeNode(self, i + 2, objtup)
    self.empty = [E, self.memo[(0, 0, 0, 0)]]
    self.nextid = 18
    self.root = E
  def getnode(self, nw, ne, sw, se):
    tup = (nw.id, ne.id, sw.id, se.id)
    if not (self.memo.has_key(tup)):
      result = LifeNode(self, self.nextid, (nw, ne, sw, se))
      self.nextid = self.nextid + 1
      self.memo[tup] = result
      result = self.memo[tup]
    return result
  def emptynode(self, level):
    if level < len(self.empty): return self.empty[level]
    e = self.emptynode(level - 1)
    result = self.getnode(e, e, e, e)
    return result
  def canonicalize(self, node, trans):
    if node.id < 18: return node
    if not trans.has_key(node.id):
      nw, ne, sw, se = node.children
      trans[node.id] = self.getnode(
        self.canonicalize(nw, trans),
        self.canonicalize(ne, trans),
        self.canonicalize(sw, trans),
        self.canonicalize(se, trans))
    return trans[node.id]
  def clear(self):
    self.root = self.single[0]
  def collect(self):
    self.empty = [self.single[0], self.memo[(0, 0, 0, 0)]]
    old = self.memo; self.memo = {}
    for i in range(16):
      tup = (i & 1, (i & 2) / 2, (i & 4) / 4, (i & 8) / 8)
      self.memo[tup] = old[tup]
    trans = {}
    self.root = self.canonicalize(self.root, trans)
  def trim(self):
    while 1:
      if self.root.count == 0: self.root = self.single[0]
      if self.root.level <= 1: return
      for index in range(9):
        sub = self.root.subquad(index)
        if sub.count == self.root.count:
          self.originx += sub.width() / 2 * (index % 3)
          self.originy += sub.width() / 2 * (index / 3)
          self.root = sub
  def double(self):
    if self.root.level == 0:
      self.root = self.memo[(self.root.id, 0, 0, 0)]; return
    self.originx -= self.root.width() / 2
    self.originy -= self.root.width() / 2
    e = self.emptynode(self.root.level - 1)
    nw, ne, sw, se = self.root.children
    self.root = self.getnode(
      self.getnode(e, e, e, nw), self.getnode(e, e, ne, e),
      self.getnode(e, sw, e, e), self.getnode(se, e, e, e))
  def get(self, x, y):
    if (x < self.originx or y < self.originy
        or x >= self.originx + self.root.width()
        or y >= self.originy + self.root.width()):
      return 0
    return self.root.get(x - self.originx, y - self.originy)
  def getAll(self, rect = None):
    cells = []
    self.root.getList(cells, self.originx, self.originy, rect)
    return cells
  def set(self, x, y, value):
    if self.get(x, y) == value:
    while (x < self.originx or y < self.originy
           or x >= self.originx + self.root.width()
           or y >= self.originy + self.root.width()):
    self.root = self.root.set(x - self.originx, y - self.originy, value)
  def step(self, steps):
    if steps == 0: return
    while steps > self.root.gensteps():
      steps -= self.root.gensteps()
      self.root = self.root.nextCenter(self.root.gensteps())
      self.originx = self.originx + self.root.width() / 2
      self.originy = self.originy + self.root.width() / 2
    self.root = self.root.nextCenter(steps)
    self.originx = self.originx + self.root.width() / 2
    self.originy = self.originy + self.root.width() / 2
  def count(self):
    return self.root.count
class LifeScreen:
  def __init__(self, screen, board):
    self.screen = screen
    self.board = board
    self.height, self.width = screen.getmaxyx()
    self.offsety, self.offsetx = -self.height / 2, -self.width / 2
    self.curx, self.cury = 0, 0
    self.steps = 0
  def visibleRect(self):
    return (self.offsetx, self.offsety,
            self.offsetx + self.width, self.offsety + self.height)
  def redraw(self):
    h, w = self.screen.getmaxyx()
    cells = self.board.getAll(self.visibleRect())
    for x, y in cells:
      if x - self.offsetx == w - 1:
        self.screen.insch(y - self.offsety, x - self.offsetx, ord('*'))
        self.screen.addch(y - self.offsety, x - self.offsetx, ord('*'))
  def showmem(self):
    self.screen.addstr(0, 0, str(self.steps)
                         + " c" + str(self.board.count())
                         + " m" + str(len(self.board.memo)))
  def showcursor(self):
    self.screen.move(self.cury - self.offsety, self.curx - self.offsetx)
  def update(self, x, y):
    if (self.curx >= self.offsetx
        and self.curx < self.offsetx + self.width
        and self.cury >= self.offsety
        and self.cury < self.offsety + self.height):
      if self.board.get(x, y):
        ch = ord('*')
        ch = ord(' ')
      self.screen.addch(y - self.offsety, x - self.offsetx, ch)
  def toggle(self):
    value = 1 - self.board.get(self.curx, self.cury)
    self.board.set(self.curx, self.cury, value)
    self.update(self.curx, self.cury)
  def step(self, steps):
    if self.board.root.width() > 2 ** 28: self.collect()
    self.steps = self.steps + steps
  def bigstep(self):
    if self.steps == 0: self.step(1)
    else: self.step(self.steps)
  def keepcentered(self):
    maxx, maxy = self.curx - self.width / 4, self.cury - self.height / 4
    minx, miny = maxx - self.width / 2, maxy - self.height / 2
    offsetx = min(maxx, max(minx, self.offsetx))
    offsety = min(maxy, max(miny, self.offsety))
    if self.offsetx != offsetx or self.offsety != offsety:
      self.offsetx, self.offsety = offsetx, offsety
  def clear(self):
    self.steps = 0
  def collect(self):
  def move(self, key):
    if key == curses.KEY_UP or key == ord('k'): self.cury = self.cury - 1
    elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN or key == ord('j'): self.cury = self.cury + 1
    elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT or key == ord('h'): self.curx = self.curx - 1
    elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT or key == ord('l'): self.curx = self.curx + 1
    else: return False
    return True
  def find(self):
    cells = self.board.getAll()
    if len(cells) > 0:
      self.curx, self.cury = cells[0]
  def main(self):
    while 1:
      key = self.screen.getch()
      if key == ord('.'): self.toggle()
      elif self.move(key): pass
      elif key == ord(' '): self.step(1)
      elif key == ord('s'): self.bigstep()
      elif key == ord('r'): self.redraw()
      elif key == ord('C'): self.clear()
      elif key == ord('f'): self.find()
      elif key == ord('c'): self.collect()
      elif key == ord('q'): break
def main(stdscr):
  board = LifeBoard()
  screen = LifeScreen(stdscr, board)
Posted by David at July 26, 2006 02:45 AM

Wonderful! I love Life, and I can't wait to try Golly.

I was a bit confused when I read your title. I wasn't sure what about life would cause Python to curse it, or even what that would mean.

Posted by: Chouser at July 26, 2006 10:27 AM

Yeah, I just inserted an explanation above. "Curses" is the name of the terminal-cursor-movement library that I used to draw the life board. :-)

It's a nice simple way to do interactive things in python without doing any setup.

Posted by: David at July 26, 2006 04:20 PM

Andrew Trevorrow wrote to remind me that Python implements infinite-precision arithmetic and that it has no problems when the limits to 2^30 generations are removed.

He also reports that Golly is about 1000 times faster than pylife :-). Go try Golly!

Thanks Andrew!

Posted by: David at July 28, 2006 08:48 AM

Very interesting. Tomas is now modifying his system so that it will support the von Neumann 29-state rules.

Posted by: William R. Buckley at September 16, 2007 04:48 AM

Great, works for me on my Cygwin platform !
Just for fun, I have just finished to write a C implementation of the hashlife algorithm, have to write some documentation and make it available online. More to come soon... :-)

Posted by: Michel Gaillard at February 4, 2008 05:50 PM

wow, very nice python script!

FWIW, I compiled a slightly modified version with shedskin, a crazy (restricted-)python-to-C++ compiler that I'm working on. the modified code can be found here (see the README):


I haven't measured the speedup, but in any case, some parts can still be made faster by avoiding intermediate tuples/lists (in the Python code).

Posted by: mark dufour at January 30, 2010 07:47 AM

Works great on win64... fast!

Posted by: john duffy at March 18, 2011 07:37 PM
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