Learning to Program with CoffeeScript
Hangman: One Project in Detail

On these pages, we use CoffeeScript to make a game of hangman from scratch.

CoffeeScript is an excellent language to learn first, because it has a very simple syntax that is easy to type. It a powerful language, but it is new (invented in 2009), so most teaching material for CoffeeScript is aimed at pros who use the language in Silicon Valley startups.

This activity is different: it is aimed at beginners.

This tutorial was originally posted on http://davidbau.com/coffeescript for use with elementary and middle school students. A professionally printed version is available inside the latest version of the book Pencil Code, by David Bau. The book also includes more than 100 other instructive CoffeeScript examples, all illustrated in color.

It takes a couple hours to learn enough programming to make hangman.

We will learn about:

At the end we will have a game we can play.

1. Running Pencil Code

Go to pencilcode.net.

Click on "Let's Play!"

The screen should look like this:

The left side of the screen is where you type in your program, and the right is where programs run. The lower right corner is a test panel where you type code and run it right away.

While exploring the projects in this book, you can also use the test panel in the lower right corner to ask for help with how commands work.

  test panel (type help for help)
> help
  help is available for: bk cg cs ct fd ht if ln lt rt st abs cos dot

The characters that you should type will be highlighted.

Press Enter after you type help.

2. Keeping a Secret

We will begin by working in the test panel.

CoffeeScript can remember things. Let's tell it a secret word.

Type the blue words below into the test panel.

  test panel (type help for help)
> secret = 'crocodile'

See what happens when you press Enter.

  test panel (type help for help)
> secret = 'crocodile'

Reveal your secret by typing "write secret".

> write secret

Check the upper right panel!

Typing just the name in the test panel will reveal the word there.

> secret

Now try something CoffeeScript doesn't know. Try typing "number".

> number
  ▶number is not defined

Don't worry. This is fine. You just need to teach CoffeeScript what "number" is and try again.

> number = 43
> number

3. Computers are Fine Calculators

A computer is better than any calculator at doing math. Let's try.

> 2+33+66

In CoffeeScript, plus and minus use the usual symbols + and −. Times and divide are done using the * and / symbol.

> 33333333 * 44444444 / 22

Named values can be used in formulas.

> n=123456789
> n*n*n

The e+24 at the end is the way that large numbers are written in CoffeeScript. It means 1.8816763717891548 × 102424. CoffeeScript calculates numbers with 15 digits of precision.

There are several ways to change a number. For example, += changes a variable by adding to it.

> n += 1
> n

Some symbols to know:

x = 95save 95 as x
x is 24is x equal to 24?
x < 24is x less than 24?
x > 24is x more than 24?
'a' in worddoes the word contain an 'a'?
String(num)turns num into a string of digits
Number(digits) makes a number from a string
n += 1change n by adding one

These operations can be combined.

CoffeeScript obeys the same order of operations used in Algebra.

What will it say for (2 * 3 + 3 * 5) / 7 - 1?

What will it do when we try '7' in String(99 * 123)?

Try your own fancy formulas. Don't worry if you get errors.

4. Strings and Numbers

What do you think happens when we try to do addition with words?

> 'dog' + 'cat'
> 'dog' + 5
> 34 + 5
> '34' + 5

When we put something inside quotes, CoffeeScript treats it like a string of letters, even if it is all digits! That is why '34' + 5 is 345. Quoted values like this are called "strings."

The Number() function can be used to convert a string to a number, so that we can do ordinary arithmetic with it.

The String() function is opposite, and turns numbers into strings.

> Number('34') + 5
> String(34) + 5
> Number('dog') + 5

If we try to convert a string to a number in a way that does not make sense, we get NaN, which stands for "Not a Number".

5. Creating Graphics

In Pencil Code, we can create graphics by using the turtle. There are five basic turtle functions:

pen red  chooses the pen color red
fd 100moves forward by 100 pixels
rt 90turns right by 90 degrees
lt 120turns left by 120 degrees
bk 50slides back by 50 pixels

In the test panel, enter two commands to draw a line:

> pen red
> fd 50

The reference at the end of this book lists many other colors that can be used. To stop drawing, use "pen null" to select no pen.

Try turning the turtle and drawing another line. Notice that rt turns the turtle in place, and we need to move the turtle with fd to draw a corner.

> rt 90
> fd 100

Read about the rt function using help:

> help rt
  rt(degrees) Right turn. Pivots clockwise by some degrees: rt 90
  rt(degrees, radius) Right arc. Pivots with a turning radius:
      rt 90, 50

If we give a second number to rt, the turtle will move while turning and form an arc. Try making a circle:

> rt 360, 30

Remember to put a comma between the two numbers.

6. Making our First Program

We are ready to set up a hangman game. In the the editor on the left side of Pencil Code:

  1. Select and erase the example program text in the editor.
  2. Now type the following program into the editor.
pen blue
fd 150  
rt 90   
fd 50   
rt 90   
fd 20   

Press the triangular play button!

If it doesn't work, check the typing carefully and try again. Things to watch out for:

Each time we run the program, it clears the screen and starts again.

Now, rename the program from "first" to "hangman" by editing the name next to the pencil. Save it with the button at the top right.

A website will be created with your account name. If I choose the account name "newbie," a website is created at "newbie.pencilcode.net".

Once you have saved the program with the name "hangman," it is available at two different addresses on pencilcode:

7. Hurry Up and Wait

Write a welcome message after drawing the hangman shape:

pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20
write 'time to play hangman'

Notice that the Pencil Code Turtle is as slow as a turtle! Unless we speed it up with the speed function, the turtle takes its own slow time long after we have asked it to move, and the welcome message appears before the turtle is finished.

We can do two things to help with the slow turtle:

  1. Change the number of moves it makes per second using "speed."
  2. Ask the program to wait for the turtle, using "await done defer()."
speed 10
pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20
await done defer()
write 'time to play hangman'

Now the turtle moves faster, and the program waits until the turtle is done before writing the welcome message.

A couple things to know:

Even if you have programmed before, await/defer may be new to you. These keywords create continuations, and they are part of Iced CoffeeScript. To explore how they work in more detail, look up Max Krohn's Iced CoffeeScript page online.

8. Using "for" to Repeat

We can repeat steps in a program with the "for" command.

Try adding three lines to the end of our program so that it looks like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
for letter in secret
  write letter      

You should see this:

time to play hangman

The program is saying: for every letter in the secret, write letter. So the computer repeats "write letter" nine times, once for each letter.

If it doesn't work, check the program and make sure the line after the for is indented; that is how CoffeeScript knows which line to repeat.

Once you have the hang of it, keep the word secret by changing the program to write underscores instead of letters:

write 'time to play hangman'
for letter in secret
  append '_ '

Notice how "append" instead of "write" puts text on the same line instead of starting a new line each time:

time to play hangman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. Using "if" to Choose

In our hangman game, we should show where any guessed letters are. To decide whether to print a blank line or a letter, we will need to use "if" and "else".

Add four new lines to our program:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
show = 'aeiou'

for letter in secret
  if letter in show    
    append letter + ' '
    append '_ '

Don't forget to line everything up, and remember to save it.

What happens when you run it? It reveals all the letters in "show": all the vowels.

Our screen looks like this:

time to play hangman
_ _ o _ o _ i _ e

Here is how it works.

The line "if letter in show" makes a choice.

  1. If the letter is among our shown, it appends the letter together with a space after it.
  2. Otherwise ("else") it appends a little underscore with a space after it.

Since the whole thing is indented under the "for letter in secret," this choice is repeated for every letter.

Check the spelling and spacing and punctuation if you get errors. Take your time to get it to work.

10. Input with "read"

Our game is no good if players can't guess. To let the player guess, type:

It works like this:

await read defer guess

"read" opens an input box and collects the input.

The "await" and "defer" commands work together to make the program wait until the read function is done.

"guess" is the name of the input collected by "read".

Try adding these lines to the program:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
show = 'aeiou'
write 'guess a letter'
await read defer guess
show += guess         
for letter in secret
  if letter in show
    append letter + ' '
    append '_ '

Adding "write 'guess a letter'" will let the player know when to enter a guess.

The "show += guess" line adds the guess to the string of shown letters.

Let's run it.

time to play hangman
guess a letter
⇒ c 
c _ o _ o _ i _ e

When we run the program, it will show us where our guessed letter appears.

11. Using "while" to Repeat

We need to let the player take more than one turn.

"while turns > 0" repeats everything indented under it while the player still has turns left.

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
show = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0
  for letter in secret
    if letter in show
      append letter + ' '
      append '_ '
  write 'guess a letter'
  await read defer guess
  show += guess         
  turns -= 1            

Indent everything under the "while" command to make this work.

The editor will indent a whole block of code if you select it all at once and press the "Tab" key on the keyboard. "Shift-Tab" will unident code.

"turns -= 1" means subtract one from "turns". It will count down each time the player guesses. When "turns" is finally zero, the "while" command will stop repeating.

Try running the program. Does it work?

Any time we want to see the value of a variable, we can type its name into the test panel.

  test panel (type help for help)
> show
> turns

How would you give the player more guesses?

12. Improving our Game

We can already play our game. Now we should fix it up to make it fun.

  1. The player should win right away when there are no missing letters.
  2. The player should only lose a turn on a wrong guess.
  3. When the player loses, the game should tell the secret.

Try this:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = 'crocodile'
show = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0
  blanks = 0
  for letter in secret
    if letter in show
      append letter + ' '
      append '_ '
      blanks += 1
  if blanks is 0    
    write 'You win!'
  write 'guess a letter'
  await read defer guess
  show += guess
  if guess not in secret
    turns -= 1
    write 'Nope.'                    
    write turns + ' more turns'      
    if turns is 0                    
      write 'The answer is ' + secret

Each time the word is printed, the "blanks" number starts at zero and counts up the number of blanks. If it ends up at zero, it means there are no blanks. So the player has guessed every letter and has won! In that case, the "break" command breaks out of the "while" section early, even though there are still turns left.

The "if guess not in secret" line checks if the guess was wrong. We only count down the "turns" if our guess was wrong.

When we guess wrong, we also print a bunch of messages like "Nope" and how many more turns we have. When we are wrong for the last time we print the secret.

13. Making it Look Like Hangman

It will be more fun if we make our game look like Hangman.

All we need to do is draw parts of the poor hangman person when there is a wrong guess. Try adding something like this to the wrong guess part:

    write 'Nope.'
    write turns + ' more turns'
    if turns is 4 then lt 90; rt 540, 10; lt 90         
    if turns is 3 then fd 20; lt 45; bk 30; fd 30       
    if turns is 2 then rt 90; bk 30; fd 30; lt 45; fd 30
    if turns is 1 then rt 45; fd 30                     
    if turns is 1 then fd 30                            
    if turns is 0
      bk 30; lt 90; fd 30
      await done defer() 
      write 'The answer is ' + secret

The semicolons (;) let you put more than one step on the same line. Notice when putting the "if" on the same line as the commands to run, we must use the word "then" between the test and the commands.

Try making variations on the hangman drawings for each step.

Whenever we want to pause the program to wait for the turtle to finish drawing, we can use "await done defer()".

pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20

lt 90; rt 540, 10; lt 90
fd 20; lt 45; bk 30; fd 30
rt 90; bk 30; fd 30; lt 45; fd 30
rt 45; fd 30

14. Picking a Random Secret

The only problem with the game is that it always plays the same secret word. We should use the random function to choose a random word.

Change the line that sets the secret so that it looks like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = random ['tiger', 'panda', 'mouse']
show = 'aeiou'

The square brackets [ ] and commas make a list, and the random function picks one thing randomly from the list.

Of course, we can make the list as long as we like. Here is a longer list:

write 'time to play hangman'
secret = random [

The brackets do not have to be on the same line, but we do need two! When we list items on their own lines, the commas are optional.

# scatter
hatch(30).plan ->
  @wear random color
  @rt random 360
  @fd 50 * abs random normal

# 300 pixels!

15. Loading a List from the Internet

There is a longer list of animals on the internet at the address http://pencilcode.net/data/animals.

We can load this data using a jQuery function "$.get". (Read more about jQuery at learn.jquery.com.)

The code looks like this:

write 'time to play hangman'
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
secret = random animals.split '\n'                             

What this means is:

await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
Pause the program until the $.get is done.
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
Open up the address http://pencilcode.net/data/animals
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
Tell $.get to resume the program after putting the answer in "animals."
secret = random animals.split '\n'
The special string '\n' is the newline character between lines in a file. Notice that the "\" is a backslash, not the ordinary slash.
secret = random animals.split '\n'
Split the animals string into an array, with one entry per line.
secret = random animals.split '\n'
Choose one item from the array randomly.
secret = random animals.split '\n'
Call this random word "secret".

16. The Whole Hangman Program

Here is the whole program from beginning to end:

speed 10
pen blue
fd 150
rt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 20
await done defer()
write 'time to play hangman'
await $.get 'http://pencilcode.net/data/animals', defer animals
secret = random animals.split '\n'
show = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0
  blanks = 0
  for letter in secret
    if letter in show
      append letter + ' '
      append '_ '
      blanks += 1
  if blanks is 0
    write 'You win!'
  write 'guess a letter'
  await read defer guess
  show += guess
  if guess not in secret
    turns -= 1
    write 'Nope.'
    write turns + ' more turns'
    if turns is 4 then lt 90; rt 540, 10; lt 90
    if turns is 3 then fd 20; lt 45; bk 30; fd 30
    if turns is 2 then rt 90; bk 30; fd 30; lt 45; fd 30
    if turns is 1 then rt 45; fd 30
    if turns is 0
      bk 30; lt 90; fd 30
      await done defer()
      write 'The answer is ' + secret

17. Making it Yours

The best part of programming is adding your own personal style.

Try making the game so that it plays again automatically after you are done. Can you make the game harder or easier? Can you give the player a reward for winning?

Be sure to explore the functions in the online help, and experiment with the examples in the remainder of this book.

For example, you can add sound effects and music. Try exploring the "play" function, and search the internet to learn about ABC notation, chords, waveforms, and ADSR envelopes.

Sometimes the simplest ideas can make a big difference. The "ct()" function clears the text on the screen and the "cg()" function clears the graphics. Maybe this could be used to make a two-player game where one person comes up with the secret word, or where two players compete to guess the word first.

You will soon find that the real fun of programming is in putting your imagination into the code.

# star 17
bk 150
pen blue
lt (180 - 7 * 360 / 17) / 2
for [1..17]
  fd 300
  rt 7 * 360 / 17

# 300 pixels!

Next Steps

Here are a few other places to go to learn more.

Learn more about programming in CoffeeScript with the book Smooth CoffeeScript, by E. Hoigaard (based on the book Eloquent JavaScript, by Marijn Haverbeke).

The await and defer keywords are explained well on Max Krohn's Iced CoffeeScript homepage (search on Google).

The website guide.pencilcode.net has more example programs and reference material to use with Pencil Code.

Pencil Code is based on open web standards HTML5 and CSS3. HTML is a rich subject. There are more than 100 types of HTML elements, more than 100 HTML attributes, more than 100 CSS properties, and an expanding set of standard functions. The best way to explore all these options is to search on Google and consult the many books and resources on the Internet about these standards.

Pencil Code is also built on jQuery, which is the most popular open-source AJAX library for building browser-based web applications. Every turtle is a jQuery object, and a Pencil Code program can use $. Learn about jQuery at learn.jquery.com.

When you have further questions, turn to the Pencil Code discussion group at pencilcode.net/group, or look to the superb technical community on StackOverflow at stackoverflow.com.