November 24, 2007Christmas SequelChristmas 2008 is shaping up to be like Christmas 2007, but more of the same. Like last year, the Wii is out of stock everywhere unless you buy a bundle. (Although this year's bundles are better than last years, so get one.) But unlike last year, we have great games like Guitar Hero III for Wii that are also out of stock everywhere. (Unless you want to pay a $100 markup.) I note with interest that it's pretty easy to obtain a PS2 or Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero. It's the Wii version that's selling like mad. Which console would you invest in as a game developer? Ho ho ho.... Posted by David at November 24, 2007 09:04 AMComments
I think the answer to the question is pretty simple... *cough* WII *cough* I mean, really, I went to Toys R Us the other day, looked at the games section, and there were a lot of sold out Wii stuff, but everything associated with the 360 and PS3 was in stock. So the answer is *DUH*, really. Posted by: D.C. at November 25, 2007 02:31 PMI take it you are still holding your NTDOY.PK? I am still riding mine. (thanks for the tip!) Gotta love the Wii -- if you can find one. Posted by: Roger at November 27, 2007 03:51 PMPost a comment
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