February 27, 2007

The Web's C-SPAN Killer

OpenCongress launched today. From the Congress Gossip Blog:

First, find your Congressperson and Senators here on OpenCongress, and subscribe to their RSS feeds to stay in touch with them.

Second, subscribe to the RSS feed for the most viewed bills, so you can keep on top of what's most buzzed-about on the web.

Third, browse through the Issue Areas and pick one that matters to you, then subscribe to its RSS feed so that you'll know when relevant bills are in play.

Fourth, look around in the most viewed bills or your chosen issue areas and find a bill that interests you, then write a blog post about it that includes the bill's official title (for example, "H.R.800"). A link to your blog post will likely soon appear in the blog coverage of that bill on OpenCongress.

Fifth, take that blog post and suggest it as a link to be featured on on the open-submissions Congress Gossip Blog.

Now everybody can be a wonk after reviewing the day's congressional business, scanning the profile of your favorite congressman, and reading blog entries explaining what a "cloture vote" is. It seems there is some interest - the website is under heavy load today.

Let's hope they do better than C-SPAN at making Washington relevant.

Posted by David at February 27, 2007 07:41 PM
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