Files: To win: win - loss > 100 Maximum rounds: 10,000 /rps/code/[name] - program code /rps/draft/[name] - program code /rps/game/[name]-[name] - record of play 01\n00\n22\n10\n... etc To init: 1. Read files. 2. Determine needed games. 3. Sort, and start background play. To background play a pair of players 1. Load the players 2. If timestamps don't match, abort and re-init 3. Play round. 4. Save game in timestamped file. 5. rps.dir/ file.meta key: ABCD:FGGHER time: 1332423 md5: ABCDEFFE UI: games vs. Random [Rock ] [Save] [password protected] Create W L T W L T = function(prev) { return 0; } Random 20 2 4 333 222 123 Heads 10 0 3 332 333 333 werll = 323 (); Incognito 2 2 3 0 0 10000 } Iocaine 3 1 3 312 332 123 return Rock: 0 0 0 0 Paper: 1 1 1 1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------->