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The Whole Hangman Program

Here is the whole program from beginning to end:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random
import urllib

print 'time to play hangman'
animals = urllib.urlopen('').read().split()
secret = random.choice(animals)
guesses = 'aeiou'
turns = 5

while turns > 0:
  missed = 0
  for letter in secret:
    if letter in guesses:
      print letter,
      print '_',
      missed += 1


  if missed == 0:
    print 'You win!'

  guess = raw_input('guess a letter: ')
  guesses += guess

  if guess not in secret:
    turns -= 1
    print 'Nope.'
    print turns, 'more turns'
    if turns < 5: print '   O   '
    if turns < 4: print ' \_|_/ '
    if turns < 3: print '   |   '
    if turns < 2: print '  / \  '
    if turns < 1: print ' d   b '
    if turns == 0:
      print 'The answer is', secret